Sweet, salty and spicy in perfect balance

From the Founder


“The first time I tried nuts like these was at a restaurant in Philadelphia while I was working as a paralegal.

This restaurant had really innovative food and I was inspired. Their nuts made a big impression on me and I asked what was in them and tried to make my own sweet, spicy, salty nuts.

In the 80s I moved to Montreal and worked in advertising. I made gift bags for my clients which included these nuts. They looked forward to receiving these every year and would always ask how they could get more pecans.

These ‘wicked pecans’ became my signature, most asked for product. I would serve them with drinks, use them as a garnish and give them as thank-you gifts. My kids’ friends would seek them out. One of my son’s friends moved to Toronto and when he came home to visit he would ask for my pecans.

I grew up in a Jewish home where food was very important. My father owned a grocery store and was a butcher in the early years prior to becoming a lawyer. He was an avid gardener and would come home every summer evening and pick and make a salad. I was always by his side. He would say “we eat three times a day and we should enjoy it, it’s an important part of life!”.

He imparted his love of food, gardening, eating well, sharing meals with those we love, and the difference between a homegrown summer tomato and the tasteless tomatoes you buy in the supermarket in the winter!

I always loved feeding people. I remember having the opportunity of working on catering jobs with my dear friend Kathy, a Cordon Blue chef, saying “Food Is Love”. She died 10 years ago, but, that always stuck with me. I shared her passion for food and have always felt it is an expression of love.

I had always dreamed of being a chef and going to cooking school. In 2017 I finally had the opportunity. I graduated from Professional Cooking and went on to complete the Cuisine Marche course in June of 2018.

Now I’m excited to share the love with you! I hope you enjoy Wicked Pecans as much as I enjoy making them.”

Lori Raiken
Founder / Fondatrice